Cannabis And Sleep: How To Improve Your Rest And Sleep With The Help Of Cannabis

Cannabis And Sleep: How To Improve Your Rest And Sleep With The Help Of Cannabis

Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana, is widely used as a sleep aid, with widespread usage observed among both recreational and medical users. Approximately 70% of young adults who casually incorporate cannabis into their routines cite its sleep-inducing properties as a primary motivation. Among those classified as long-term cannabis users, with a usage duration exceeding 10…

Cannabis 101

Welcome to your source for all cannabis-related things. We cover common questions about everything related to cannabis including accessories and extracts. Read on so you can know more about this flower. CANNABIS was cultivated and used for medicinal and spiritual purposes as far back as 10,000 years ago. In China, they even used it as…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between marijuana, cannabis, and hemp? They are different names for the same herb. Cannabis is the general name for a number of plants in the same family. Hemp is one kind of cannabis that will not make you high because it contains less than 0.3% THC. Marijuana is a type of…

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Are you low on Valentine’s Day Gift ideas for your stoner partner? Here are Royal Leafs’ picks for some cute canna-gifts! Chocolates: Ah chocolates, a traditional Valentine’s Day gift. We stock companies like bhang and Edison for a nice variety of chocolate treats for your sweetheart. Flower(s): Flowers…